Thanks to all the ScholarNet folks who shared photos of their home workspaces with us for our Win From Home Giveaway. Here are some of the highlighted photos.
When you meet with your colleagues, have you gotten used to seeing their living rooms, kitchens, or – if they’re lucky – actual home offices? Now you know which people are cat people, dog people, or neither!
In these days of Working From Home, we’re all in the same boat. We have children, pets, spouses, and other distractions while we work. But we thought it would be fun to share our home workspaces with each other.
That’s how we came up with our Win From Home Giveaway. Your colleagues who were willing to share photos of their workspaces were entered in our giveaway for a chance to win $5 Starbucks gift cards. To the winners: we really appreciate all of you folks sharing your home workspaces with us – and we hope you enjoy your coffee!
Whether you’re enjoying a coffee or tea on us or sipping one from your own kitchen just a few steps away, sit back, relax, and enjoy some of the photo highlights from our Win From Home Giveaway. We’re all in this together.