Your ScholarNet rep and members of our Care Team may specialize in private loan processing, but we understand that’s only one part of what you do in the financial aid office. One thing we know from working with financial aid is that the only constant about this industry is change. Staying on top of new regulations and laws, policies, programs, and trends is essential to your work – and you can count on us to help you do it.
Whether you’re a policy wonk, administrator, or financial aid counselor working with families, we’ve got something for you on our list of best websites to bookmark.
- Department of Education blog is an authoritative source of information on topics of interest for those working in education, including K-12 and higher education. We suggest signing up to receive federal student loan borrower updates.
- Federal Student Aid’s (FSA’s) What’s New page links to all the electronic announcements and Dear Colleague letters issued by the Department of Education that are relevant to financial aid professionals.
- Chronicle of Higher Education is a great resource for broad topics related to higher education, including financial aid. Create a free account and access articles for free.
- Inside Higher Ed is another helpful online publication designed for anyone who works in higher education, with frequent updates, thought leadership pieces, and articles related to financial aid.
- National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators provides daily news updates and closely follows government announcements and emerging topics.
- FSA’s Financial Aid Toolkit provides valuable presentations, templates, articles, videos, infographics, worksheets, sample tweets, and more to help financial aid professionals educate students and families.
- is the homepage for Federal Student Aid’s (FSA’s) website. This is a valuable resource for financial aid topics that are informative and useful for you and the students and families you support.
- Federal Student Aid Announcements provides important government announcements about federal student aid programs of interest to students and families.
- Federal Student Aid News & Updates is a blog for students and families using federal student aid programs that provides news content, FAFSA tips, and financial aid and loan repayment information.
- U.S. News & World Report | Financial Aid features news and practical tips to help students and families who are navigating the financial aid landscape.
- FSA’s Facebook and Twitter accounts provide helpful videos, important reminders, and valuable tips for students and families. They provide a wealth of knowledge about applying for financial aid, completing the FAFSA, and more.
- ScholarNet Central provides bi-monthly blog posts that cover timely topics, tips, case studies, and thought leadership – in addition to product updates.
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