Major updates and several glitches with the 2024-2025 FAFSA delayed its availability for students to apply for financial aid. This is impacting the awarding of financial aid, causing delays, challenges, and struggles for the upcoming year. This critical piece of your role in helping students and their families to access higher education affects what may be one of the most rewarding parts of your job.
In addition to creating additional work and stress for you and the students and families you serve, the administrative pitfalls you’ve faced recently may have challenged your patience and possibly even forced you to question why you work in financial aid. If helping students improve their lives through higher education is a driving force for you, the need for that hasn’t changed.
You Make a Difference
In fact, it’s more important now than ever that students and their families have experienced people like you to help them understand the intricacies of federal financial aid policy, navigate the process, and receive their financial aid awards (and eventually their disbursements) so they can enroll and begin pursuing their dreams.
Education has always offered a path to a brighter future. According to a report by the Lumina Foundation and Gallup, higher education delivers many benefits to those who enroll besides just knowledge, skills, and higher income potential. Making a difference in the community, having a more fulfilling life outside of work, gaining a personal sense of achievement, learning from people who have different experiences, and becoming a more informed citizen are just a few of them.
As students engage in the complex process of obtaining higher education, your experience and guidance can help those who need education the most to persevere in navigating it.
We Understand—and We’re Here to Help
At ScholarNet, we understand the daily complexities of the policies and challenges you face to help students. We appreciate how much you juggle. We know that private loan processing is one small part of what you do.
We’re here to make that part as simple as possible so that you’re freed up to focus on the more important work you do.
We also make Portfolio Navigator available as a complimentary resource to our customers who use ScholarNet as their primary private loan processing platform. By providing a simple default management and delinquency outreach solution that helps your former students stay on track with repayment of their loans, you can protect your school’s cohort default rate.
Turn to Us
As professionals who have worked in the financial aid field for decades ourselves, we truly understand the challenges you face. We’re people you can lean on when things get tough—and we’re here to remind you that what you do matters especially when things get tough. Reach out to your ScholarNet representative with questions or for support at any time.