If you’re a financial aid professional or lender partner, the last thing we want to do is add to your stress. For quick, easy help with your ScholarNet® and FastChoice™ questions, refer to our team’s FAQ page or contact a team member.
We understand how much of your time is taken up by continually navigating changing regulations and programs. We can’t change that – but we can (and do!) provide consistent support from your rep and Care Team, as well as useful resources for our private loan processing solutions. That’s why we created a list of Frequently Asked Questions to make it easy for you to self-help at any time of day or night. Here’s just a sample of the types of questions covered in this handy resource.
Import/Export of Files
One common question we receive from customers is whether private student loan data files can be imported and exported. Yes, ScholarNet is able to accept CommonLine files – and it provides response files that can be loaded directly back into the school financial aid management system (FAMS). For help with this, contact your ScholarNet representative.
Return of Funds
Customers often wonder about the options available for returning private student loan funds, so we cover that in our FAQ. Here’s the response: “Schools can request refunds electronically with a single roster. CDS will compile information and accurately disburse refunds to appropriate private loan providers. Refunds are issued via electronic funds transfer (EFT), automated clearing house (ACH), or a check – whichever meets the needs of your business office.”
Account Access
According to Amy Gerber, regional vice president with ScholarNet, one of the most common questions she receives is about how to add new users to the institution’s ScholarNet account. Other times, our customers need help resetting a password or logging in. These instances are all covered in our FAQ. (We’ll save you looking and just provide the answer here.) The best, quickest way to resolve these issues is to contact our friendly, expert Care Team. They’ll get you – and any new users at your institution – up and running quickly. Email them at CareTeam@MyScholarNet.com or give them a call at 888.686.6919.
Free Webinars
Our free webinars are a great way to refresh your memory on our products or get a new person up to speed quickly. Led by our expert reps, these webinars help you to gain skills, get questions answered, and learn new tips and tricks.
Always Here for You
If you have a question that isn’t answered elsewhere or you simply don’t have time to look, don’t hesitate to contact us. That’s exactly why we’re here – and ready to provide answers. Contact your rep or the Care Team – or join our LinkedIn group.