With experts who care and understand the challenges you face – and an updated interface coming in spring 2021 – count on us to provide uninterrupted private loan processing that saves you time and fits your needs.
Customer Service: People Who Care and Know Your Business
Our reps average 27 years of experience working in financial aid – and 12 years of experience working with ScholarNet. Plus, you have the backing of an expert Care Team.
Processing Options: Private Loan Processing to Fit Your Needs
ScholarNet allows for several options to streamline your private loan processing. We work with you to make sure you’re using the solution that fits your needs.
• Process loans in ScholarNet
• Import/export files from your aid management system
• Use secure file exchange directly with ScholarNet
Technology: Evolving To Meet Your Needs
We’re gathering and incorporating current user feedback and suggestions into a new customer experience that launches in spring 2021. Watch for more on the updated interface as we get closer to launch.
Reliability: Count on Us
Since 1999, we’ve provided uninterrupted private loan processing for more than two decades, supported by a team that’s always there for you.
Contact us to discuss options to streamline your processing.