Office Hacks to Make Your Work Life Easier
Your office is busy! Even the most organized and mindful of people can have a hard time being their most productive when there’s so much that needs to get done in a day. Take just a few minutes to check out these helpful articles for useful tips to make your work life easier.
- Why clutter is killing your focus. Take the time to remove outdated folders, take down post-it notes, and toss outdated emails. Creating a clutter-free office environment lowers your stress and keeps you and your staff organized. Check out these tips to optimize your work space.
- 7 Productivity tools for your financial aid office. Wouldn’t it be great if you could cut the time spent on certain tasks in half—or more quickly delegate projects? Try incorporating one or a few of these tools to increase productivity, save time, and boost morale in your office.
- Hacks for better work-life balance. Finding just the right work-life balance is a struggle for many of us. This is especially true for financial aid professionals who experience increased workload with the influx of new students every year. Use these hacks to find balance and increase staff harmony!
- Take a break. Your day is busy with students and their financial aid questions. You also have faculty and projects that need your attention. Did you know that taking a better break can increase your work flow? Use these tips to increase your mood and productivity level throughout the day.
- Minimize distractions at work. Not all hours are created equal. Your work hours that are marked with numerous stops and starts can cost you time, focus, and productivity. Using these tips will help you have a smooth and efficient work flow that can help you accomplish your goals.