Honoring Administrative Professionals

ScholarNet Blog Articles | April 23, 2019

Celebrating National Administrative Professional’s Day

Administrative professionals can easily fly under the radar because they often keep things running so smoothly that it’s easy for their efforts to go unnoticed unless a problem arises.

National Administrative Professional’s Day is recognized on the Wednesday of the last full week of April–this year, it falls on April 24. Since its inception, this day has created an opportunity for organizations to recognize the work of administrative professionals, clerks, and assistants around the country.

Celebrate the Admins in Your Office

Though we may not do it often enough, admin professionals deserve recognition. In case you’re still brainstorming ways to recognize your hard-working admins, here’s a few options to consider.

  • Team-Building Activities: Get your administrative team out of the office and go do something fun. Explore a park, do some hiking, or go bowling. Allow them to bond as a team and unwind from the hard work they put in each day.
  • Time Off: Speaking of unwinding, consider giving your admins a well-deserved afternoon or full day off. They’ll appreciate the chance to rest and disconnect from their day-to-day work.
  • Treat Them to Lunch: It’s a classic option for a reason. Take your admins out for lunch at a local favorite, or have a meal catered in. Want to add a personal touch? Get each person a simple, personalized gift as well.
  • Invest in Learning Opportunities: For admins who regularly juggle three or four tasks at once, continued education can be incredibly valuable. Find conferences, online courses, or books to help them learn new skills – try setting up one-on-one meetings to identify which areas they’d like to grow in, then give them the resources they need to do so. When employees feel like they’re actually growing at work, they’ll be happier and more productive.
  • Gratitude as a Group Effort: Encourage members of your team to send notes of appreciation to your admins throughout the day or week. Little measures like these make a huge impact.
  • Make it a Week: Why stop at one day of recognition? Plan multiple ways across the week to show your appreciation.

Join the Conversation

How does your organization celebrate administrative professionals? Share your stories or give your admins a shout out on our LinkedIn group.

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